Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Jason Collins, Chris Kyle Connection

     At the end of the president's press conference on April 30, I witnessed his exit and rapid return to the podium to address a question about the new coming out of  NBA star Jason Collins. In that statement, the president said the following:

Jason Collins, Washington Wizards
 “Yeah, I'll say something about Jason Collins. I had a chance to talk to him yesterday. He seems like a terrific young man, and, you know, I told him I couldn't be prouder of him. You know, one of the extraordinary measures of progress that we've seen in this country has been the recognition that the LGBT community deserves full equality, not just partial equality, not just tolerance but a recognition that they're fully a part of the American family. And, you know, given the importance of sports in our society, for an individual who's excelled at the highest levels in one of major sports go ahead and say, this is who I am, I'm proud of it, I'm still a great competitor, I'm still seven feet tall and can bang with Shaq and, you know, deliver a hard foul -- and for, you know, a lot of young people out there who, you know, are -- are -- are, you know, gay or lesbian, who are struggling with these issues, to see a role model like that who's unafraid, I think it's a great thing. And I think America should be proud that this is just one more step in this ongoing recognition that we treat everybody fairly. And everybody's part of a -- part of a family, and we judge people on the basis of their character and their performance, and not their sexual orientation. And so I'm very proud of him. All right?”

     Now, I’m not addressing the president’s failure to successfully answer many of the other questions on topics throughout the press conference, I’ve come to expect the sidestepping, mush mouthed lying from him, but I WAS struck with his showering of praise on Collins. The president pointed out that Collins was a ‘terrific young man’, that he was proud of him, and highlighted the importance of sports in our society. He further went on to praise Collins for his achievement excellence at the highest levels of his sport, for being a role model, and that America should be proud. The president wrapped up by saying:

“Everybody’s part of a family, and we judge people on the basis of their character and their performance, and not their sexual orientation.”

     I found myself listening to a president, fawning over a sports figure, that was courageous enough to come out about his sexuality; heaping praise and accolade, and being proud of Collins’ achievements. I then found myself wondering, where were all of these same praises, accolades, and pride in Chris Kyle?

Chris Kyle, Fallen Sniper

     Who is Chris Kyle, you ask? Chris Kyle is the recently murdered former sniper. Chris is one of the greatest servicemen to fight in the war on terror. He is the most decorated sniper in U.S. history, having personally taken out at least 160 enemy combatants, (possibly more). He served for four tours, was shot and wounded twice, won two Silver Stars, Five Bronze Stars, and was was involved in six IED attacks. Iraqi combatants called Chris, “The Devil of Ramadi,” and put an $80,000 price on his head.

     Chris was actively helping a struggling fellow Marine with readjustment issues, doing what they both loved to do. Chris took him to the local shooting range for some bonding and down time. The young man turned his weapon on Chris, and shot and killed him.

     Given all of that, would it be possible that Obama was uncomfortable in honoring a man who puts the enemy in his sights and kills them directly, instead of using drones from a distance, all while inexplicably not being able to call our enemies by the name ‘terrorist’?

     The coverage of Chris Kyle’s heroism and the tragedy surrounding his death was pretty widespread, and I find it shameful that THIS president, ANY president, would glom onto patting himself and his agenda on the back, by embracing a mere basketball has been, while completely ignoring a true American Hero in Chris Kyle, his widow, and his children. 

     Obama has gone out of his way to recognize other less worthy individuals in the past, so I’m not really surprised at his juvenile, narcissistic attitude toward overlooking true heroes. Among them are: Steve Jobs, Donna Summer, Dick Clark, Richard Chavez (the brother of Cesar Chavez), John Wooden, Kam Kuwata (Obama political aide)…to name a few.

     Now like I said, The things that this president does and says do not surprise me anymore; they really don’t. I just find it sad that someone in his position as president, can totally disregard true heroes, while snuggling up to faux heroes. Even more troubling to me? Is that 51 percent of you, voted for him. THAT’s an indictment on the citizenry.

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