Originally Posted: March 10, 2010
I stopped to ponder the current level of acrimony with regards to how
our elected officials are conducting themselves, and it became apparent
that the vast majority are nothing more than sock puppets looking out
solely for themselves. Based on rational thought and clarity, I
dissected these buffoons and came to the realization that their conduct
is nothing more than a self serving, self important, egotistical
pomposity. You may ask what I’m talking about; and it’s this: These
people spend the majority of their time patting themselves on the back,
lobbying for the nearest microphone, stuffing their election war chests,
and ‘saying’ things that they think the people want to hear. They no
longer have any conviction, honor, integrity, valor, or wisdom. They
legislate based on the mental capacity of their base voting block, and
pander to the fringes; irrespective of where they stand personally on an
issue. It’s all in an effort to harness power and cash, to the demise
of the actual voting populace; elevating themselves to the status of
Back room deals, power brokering, lavish fundraisers (funded by
special interests), and unethical gaming are all now commonplace with
these individuals; and they have no concern for what their constituents
actually have to say about anything. They seem to think that they simply
know better than we do, and we’re just too stupid to understand that
they’re saving us from ourselves. They’ve become so ‘drunk’ with power
and influence that they actually believe that they’re invincible; it’s a
veritable sadomasochistic political orgy. ‘God Complex’ doesn’t begin
to frame the problem, but it’s a start.
I don’t care if they’re left or right, republican or democrat, black
or white, gay or straight; they all SUCK! What we’ve got right now, in
this place and time; is an unbridled obscenity of spending, and
governmental control of nearly every facet of our lives. And they charge
us through exorbitant taxation to fund these oppressive programs that
they claim the people want and need. The only people that want these
programs are those that can’t (or won’t) provide and do for themselves.
Excessive taxation of the persons contributing the funds simply doesn’t
work; and it never has. All excessive taxation does is to lower the
effort level of the contributor; because they no longer see any inherent
value in succeeding only to see the fruits of their labor confiscated
and given to undeserving, worthless individuals that won’t put down the
crack pipe long enough to even say Thank You. Thank You, provider. Thank
You, contributor. Thank You, person that gives me free stuff. NO! It’s
not Thank You…It’s ‘F’ You, you owe me. And these politicians are guilty
of sodomizing us against our will. No kiss on the neck, no pillow talk,
no gentle caressing; just bend us over the countertop, and ram it home.
Somehow we are to accept our role as providing for those that won’t
help themselves out of their own plight. And our beloved political class
(left and right) go out of their way to enable and elevate the
recipient class, while castigating the provider class; and I’m sick of
We’re not having this ‘Healthcare Bill’ shoved down our throats;
we’re having it rammed up some other body orifice (a little further
south). We have the liberal democrats devising and manipulating a
healthcare bill that less than 20% of the public wants. Coupled with
that, it’s a bill that overtakes 1/6th of the economy in the
process. On the other side we have progressive republicans that want to
‘negotiate’ for a resolution, under the guise of being more in line with
‘the people’. What they’re all failing to appreciate and comprehend is
that any governmental interjection is unconstitutional…but they simply
don’t care. They think that they know better than the founders, and that
they’re more enlightened and compassionate intellectually. I’ve got
news for you…when you take a bad idea, and try to marry it to a good
idea; you end up with a mediocre hodgepodge of SUCK! A bad idea…that
sucks a little less. A compromised ‘agreement’ is worse than dishonest;
it’s an attempt to ‘fool’ the public (supposedly for it’s own good), but
essentially it’s merely a power grab to maintain their elected seat.
It’s unconstitutional in its scope, it falls outside the 18 enumerated
powers granted to the federal government, they’re rewriting the
Constitution with every ‘illegal’ bill that’s passed; and they don’t
care. They get away with it because the majority of the citizenry isn’t
educated in all things Constitutional, and they love the handouts that
these legislators promise. It’s sort of like the lords of medieval times
tossing the masses bits of bread and meat from on high. If they’re able
to keep the populace hungry enough, the masses will flock to the hand
that feeds them; and be grateful for the little that they do receive
from the elitist class.
Thus far I’ve been called an extremist, racist, homophobe, zealot,
ideologue, and white elitist. And it amazes me that simply being an
originalist when it comes to the Constitution, deems me out of step with
the commonplace perceived logic of the day. If I support the
abolishment of the Medicare/Medicaid system, the exertion of states
rights over the federal government, elimination of the Social Security
Administration and the Federal Reserve; I’m immediately called a
fascist. Every one of these programs were pitched and touted in their
inception as necessary organizations, but under false pretenses. But now
that the overwhelming majority of people in the country are accustomed
and used-to the existence of these institutions (and the perverse,
mal-administered way they’ve been employed), so they blindly follow
perceived norms of societal acceptance; no matter the oppression
generated by doing so. This has to stop…and if I’m derided for speaking
out against what’s going on and the individuals that enable it…then so
be it. I’m tired of apologizing for my stance on the issues, for feeling
bad for having that position, and I’ve finally embraced the position of
simply not caring for the plight of the supposed poor and oppressed. If
you’re thirsty, get off your arse and out of the desert; and go find
water. If you’re hungry, go and offer yourself up to trade labor for
something to eat. And if you can’t afford to feed your children, then
either quit having sex and creating mouths you can’t feed; or use some
form of viable birth control, because I’m tired of feeding your kids out
of my wallet. You created your problems; You go and figure a way out of
it on your own…it’s not my responsibility, it’s yours. If you come to
me for help, I will require something in return for the assistance. If
you don’t want to be asked for something in return; don’t ask for my
For far too long I’ve remained silent, generally docile and
un-confrontational; but that time has passed. I now know Who I Am…Where I
Stand…And Why I Stand There. The Pornographic spending spree, for the
Salvation of mankind…ends at my doorstep. I only hope that by writing
this, that I can help to enable others to focus on themselves and their
households…and learn to say ‘NO’ to the governmental confiscation of
their individual wealth, to redistribute it to others that you have no
interest in supporting. If I’ve offended you…Good; it’s about time
somebody did. Now go take care of yourself…I’m Done.
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