Saturday, May 18, 2013

Statist of the Union

Originally posted on January 31, 2010

Okie, Dokie…It’s Saturday so what should I do? I know let me stir the pot again…since I seem to be good at that. Here’s a list I’ve compiled of Mr. B. H. Obama’s first 100 illustrious days in office. Try to digest it and then tell me I’m a racist if you dare. This should clarify my discontent in a non racial way.

               During King Obama’s first 100 days this is what went down.

1. Allocated more taxpayer money than any president on the planet.

2. The Stimulus bill was the largest spending bill in the history of mankind.

3. He and this democrat congress have already saddled our next three generations with the most massive debt in history.

4. Created a deficit totaling more than all previous presidents combined!

5. Proclaimed repeatedly that he’ll “cut the deficit in half”… by quadrupling the deficit??

6. Runs campaign touting “no ear marks”…then signs bill with 9,000 earmarks.

7. Forces banks to take money that they don’t want…and refuses to let them pay it back.

8. Tarp 2, Omnibus 1, AIG 2&3, Fannie & Freddie 2&3, Stimulus1,2&3, upcoming Healthcare 1.

9. Ordered the Federal Reserve to print 1 Trillion dollars in late March…with no explanation?

10. THAT 1 Trillion was more than the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined for 6 years collectively.

11. LOST at least 5 nominees for administration positions due to tax fraud.
12. Promised “NO Lobbyists in my administration”…has hired 39 former lobbyists into his administration.

13. Promoted NY Fed Overseer, Tax Cheat Tim Geithner to Head the IRS and the Treasury Dept. (Geithner was the dude in charge ‘watching’ Wall Street when the economy took a dump).

14. Acted in the interest of the TEACHERS UNION by cancelling the successful D.C. school voucher program for disadvantaged students, while enrolling his two daughters in the same private school he de-funded.

15. Campaigns on “IRAQ war policy wrong”, “the surge won’t work”…PRAISES the troops for success in IRAQ saying “We’ve won the war” with a straight face.

16. Discussed holding peace talks with Iran, North Korea, and the Taliban. (Oh…and Cuba too)

17. Passed legislation to fund foreign abortions.

18. Made fun of mentally challenged Special Olympians on the Tonight Show. (Maybe he would have rather they had been aborted instead).

19. Has blocked all attempts to drill for oil offshore, despite running on allowing it during the campaign.

20. Scrapped Oil and Gas leases, in New Mexico, North Dakota, and Utah.

21. Cancelled the deal in the Yucca Mountains, killing nuclear energy possibilities for decades.

22. Continues pushing Cap and Trade legislation that the OCD says will cost families an average of 3,000 dollars a year in increased energy costs.

23. Looking to socialize the greatest free market healthcare system on the planet.
(Medicare and Medicaid are federally run healthcare systems by the way…and they lost 4 billion dollars last year alone…and that’s only for seniors…and will be out of money by 2017…and you want them doing that to the rest of the country? They can’t even find a men’s room in a lit hall with one door and you want a bureaucrat deciding where you go and who you see for your medical services). You’re nuts!

24. Allowed the US Government to take over the national student loan system.

25. Is pushing for passage of the “employees free choice act”, which will not only take away the secret ballot (one of our basic freedoms), but it will enable the Union to effectively take over most if not all production facilities in the U.S.

26. Promoted the disgraced Freddie Mac Head Honcho (the guy responsible for its crash and burn) to take over as head as the Federal Housing Commission. (Why mess with a good thing?)

27. Converted TARP monies from preferred shares into common stock…giving the U.S. Government the voting authority and controlling interest in the largest banks in America.

28. Grandfathered in AIG bonuses, Railed about it, got congress to wage war on execs and pass legislation to confiscate 90% of those bonuses, then said the law was illegal…then lied about it. (That’s contract fraud people…Chicago style)

29. Sends three ambassadors to the Vatican…that are pro-abortion. (Brilliant)

30. Used AIG as a money laundering operation, making banks whole on credit default swaps. (What?)

31. Got Barney Frank to give Tim Geither the power to set salary levels of bank executives and other corporations…whether they took bail out money or not.

32. His attorney general calls American’s a “Nation of Cowards”.

33. Releases memos of CIA interrogation techniques that actually worked…while denying the ‘fruit’ of those techniques to be disclosed. (He handed the enemy our play book…basically).

34. Traveled to Turkey, France, England, Germany, Spain, Caribbean, and Mexico to apologize for the Iraq war and the war on terror.

35. Says that the Government doesn’t want to run General Motors…but…the Government now owns General Motors.

36. Assigns billions in relief to Chrysler, which goes in one end of Chrysler and out the back door to the UAW Unions for legacy costs of retiree’s…then forces Chrysler into bankruptcy…Gives 55% controlling interest of Chrysler to the UAW while shutting out the investors for pennies on the dollar for their investment in the company…circumventing the bankruptcy court system. (The UAW now owns Chrysler, and the people that invested in the company got screwed).

37. Allowed staffers to do a fly over of Manhattan in a Jumbo Jet with F16 escorts…scaring the living crap out of people…sending them running out of their buildings…and into the streets. (only a cost of $328,000)

38. Pulls the Census Bureau OUT of an office building in town and INTO the West Wing. (I kid you not).

39. Conducting the Census? ACORN…accused and indicted of voter fraud in no less than 14 states. (ACORN gets over 30 million dollars from taxpayer dollars…this year… thanks to our elected officials).

     And that’s just the first 100 days folks. There are 1,260 days to go in this term. Look at it. The Government under this administration owns controlling interest in the Banks, GM, Chrysler, Student Loans, is acting as agent for the Teachers Union, SEIU and the UAW; is funneling monies into organizations (ACORN) that are indicted for voter fraud. 

     Those protests outside the AIG executive houses, remember those? They were conducted and organized by the SEIU (service employee’s international union, and ACORN). Strangely, last week the state of California voted in legislation to cut their budget by cutting some jobs and restructuring. Noble effort right? Wrong…Immediately the White House was on the phone with California’s Legislators on a conference call, also on the line were 3 SEIU officials…telling the state of California that unless they reinstituted the Union jobs the state would not get it’s promised federal stimulus/bail out money. So, The White House, in collusion with the SEIU union forced that debt back on California taxpayers.

       Are you getting a good picture here? Teachers Union, United Autoworkers Union, Service Employees International Union. These businesses and states are being held hostage by what? That’s right Unions… Both Obama and Biden if you remember touted UNIONS as the “life blood of the American economy”. That was the campaign stump…remember? Well, here it is. The Unions are now about to be running this country, and why? Do the math. The highest contributors to the Obama/Biden/Democrat ticket and party were from…Unions.

     ACORN gets funds from the government enabling them to rig the census which is now housed in the White House…The UAW and SEIU get funds and favor from the government handing the union the US auto industry by default…and the Teachers union gets funds and favor from the government by legislating out any competition to public schools…and in return the unions do what? That’s right…they give more political contributions back to the democrat party.

     Did you wake up yet? Jeesh….YES!..This IS socialism…absolutely! And it’s got nothing to do with ‘hating a black man’…go figure. Now where is my Dick Cheyney Super Secret Decoder Ring?…hmm

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