Saturday, May 18, 2013

Big Tent Going Rogue

Originally posted on October 25, 2009

With this years mid-term elections on the doorstep, and the 2010 elections just around the corner, I thought it was time to address a few things that the “Establishment” (R)epublicans need to take note of. The American public is tired of being overlooked, muted, and marginalized. We’re also tired of being herded into tracking poll groups to be deceived and fed some line of ‘bull’ just to get you elected. For decades these lifelong politicians take the pulse of the different special interest groups within the party, play on their individual fears and concerns, say whatever works to placate the individual segments of the party, just to get back into office. They pull us out of our boxes when they need our help, then once back in office; they put us back into our boxes and hide us away from view as an inconvenience. We’re tired of that, and we’re going to change it.

It became strikingly clear earlier this week when I listened to Lindsay Graham on two separate occasions, go out of his way to marginalize ‘We the Conservatives”. He stated that the republicans weren’t going to be the party of angry white men, and basically if we didn’t want to come along with the direction that the party leadership wanted to go; then we weren’t needed. Well, news flash for Lindsay: We Don’t Need YOU, in the republican party any more sir. You don’t just ‘decide’ where we’re all going; nor does Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, and now Newt Gingrich. Newt Gingrich; what a disappointment to see him throw his support behind New York congressional hopeful Dierdre Scozzafava, because he didn’t want to confuse and split the party. Nevermind that she’s more liberal than the democrat candidate…nevermind that she’s endorsed by ACORN, the American Working Families Party, and supports card check. She even has the support of the Daily KOS web slasher group. Instead of Mr. Gingrich standing up for true conservative values and principles and endorsing a true conservative gentleman in Doug Hoffman, he chose the lesser of two evils between the two progressive candidates with a D and an R in front of their names. Mr. Gingrich…um…WE DON’T LIKE RINO’s ANYMORE SIR! And if you do this to we conservatives again…we’ll jetison you off the reservation as well, right along with Charlie Grist (no don’t drill/climate crap), Tim Pawplenty (show me the money), and Arnold Schwarzentraitor (spend spend spend/amnesty for everyone).

The current (R)epublican establishment egalitarians keep telling us that the way to go is with this “Big Tent” philosophy with room for everyone mentality. Well, I’ve got news for them…WE, the (C)onservative (r)epublicans HAVE ownership of the “Big Tent” and we’ve been allowing you to stand under it, out of the rain, for far too long. Either YOU come onboard with US and our way of thinking…or get out of our party and just go be a (D)emocrat..OK?  We’re done following your line of thinking. We’re done with the bailouts galore, the spend us into oblivion attitude, and the condescending way that you treat us. We’re going to elect true (C)onservatives back into the party,  and show you the door in the process. You may THINK that you run the party; but you don’t. We’ve enabled the junkies in our party for far too long and it’s time to replace them with individuals that actually care about US.

Oh, and by the way; we’re not a bunch of angry, racist white men. We are a bunch of white, black, latino, asian;  men, women, mothers, fathers, grandparents; democrat, republican, independent, libertarian; christian, atheist, gay, straight…true blue Americans that are tired of being overlooked and spent into the poor house. WE ARE the middle class, WE ARE the poor, WE ARE the small business owners, WE ARE the blue-collar people who bust our “Backsides” every day to send you your precious tax money; only to watch you blow it…just like a junkie shooting up heroin.

We’re sick of it; and quite honestly…we’re sick of YOU.  Don’t go away mad…just go away.

P.S. While you’re at it…take Geraldo with you too.

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