By: Conservatarian (@wilkow1 on twitter), #TexansForRomeikes
I was engrossed in conversation last night on twitter, discussing the situation with the Romeike family from Germany. The Romeike’s came to the U.S. under the auspices of religious freedom, and the liberty to home school their children. In Germany they had pulled their children from state run schools and attempted to teach them at home, but were notified by the German government that they must return their children to public schools or face fines and possible imprisonment. It was then that they came to America and requested asylum, so that they could enjoy the benefit of being able to raise and teach their children as they saw fit in the state of Tennessee. All was well with their plans. They taught their children at home, took in students to give music lessons for their employment, and lived a quiet Christian lifestyle. Such is the story that Americans have become accustomed to, and relish in the peace of mind it provides.
Enter the U.S. government and the legal system. The Romeike’s had gone through the legal process of applying for Asylum, and had been granted their request; until the U.S. government filed an appeal to have the case retried, which WAS retried, and overturned. Currently the family is technically set to be deported back to Germany. There will be an appeal process that can postpone the deportation, but I found myself wondering just exactly what would be going through their minds now. Obviously the mental stress component of being punished for wanting to do what they feel best for their family will be overwhelming. Most of us are pulling for their success through appeal, but we do it from a distance. I have thought heavily about it, and have chosen to take a different path. You see, this case is as much about religious freedom as it is about civil rights with regards to education. It is the religious freedom I’ve chosen to come at this from the religious freedom position.

So how do the Templar’s fit into this story? From my vantage point I see the Romeike family as one that need protection and safe passage from an oppressive overbearing governmental bureaucracy. A government that has not only turned on basic human decency and the tradition of providing safe haven for the worlds tired, poor, oppressed masses since the beginning of the nation; but they’ve turned their backs on the American citizens, and in turn this individual family. I hold that the Romeike family is being slapped down and beaten into submission through religious persecution, which should offend all of us. The government freely leaves our borders open for invasion from anywhere else, intentionally lack in their duties to protect our sovereignty, and smash white, God fearing, traditional American Christians in the mouth any chance they get. Now, they’ve provided a weak excuse to now turn their progressive, anti God, ideology onto a family that has done nothing offensive, taken nothing from governmental aide programs, and simply wanted to come to a free country to live in the peace that up until now has been afforded to others. (Well except the Jews. They were sent back on their boats originally). So it has become apparent to me that if you believe in God, and ask for help, you’ll be denied, thus eliminating religious freedom by dictate unconstitutionally.
It is now that I feel compelled to draw my line in the sand and stand with the Romeike’s, and not just in lip service. I believe it is now time for We out here to put our money where our mouths are, and form our modern day band of Templar Knights; our crusade, to offer protective and safe passage for this family to any underground, undisclosed location that presents itself. Preferably, I think the citizens of the State of Texas should step to the plate and offer this family sanctuary. If the government won’t grant Asylum, then I feel the Church should offer Santuary. Further, I truly believe that the great folks in Texas and their leadership, can and will see to it that the national government will heel, and be forced into their proper, obedient role.
I now call on Tenneseeans and Texans specifically to form your Romeike Templar’s. I also call on any other State citizens to volunteer as well. Reach out to those in Tennessee and Texas that are of like mind, and protect this family. Davey Crockett and Sam Houston left behind a legacy that now needs to be honored. Stand Up and be counted.
Will it take determination? Yes. Will it take men and women of honor? Yes.
And will it take the conviction of mind to follow through? Yes.
It’s time for Americans to take a stand against tyranny. Join Me.
Historical dates and timeline provided by @LoriGirlTexas twitter ,, One of the sharpest Historians in Texas.
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