Sunday, May 19, 2013

Deus Volt, The Romeike Crusade

By: Conservatarian (@wilkow1 on twitter),  #TexansForRomeikes

I was engrossed in conversation last night on twitter, discussing the situation with the Romeike family from Germany. The Romeike’s came to the U.S. under the auspices of religious freedom, and the liberty to home school their children.  In Germany they had pulled their children from state run schools and attempted to teach them at home, but were notified by the German government that they must return their children to public schools or face fines and possible imprisonment. It was then that they came to America and requested asylum, so that they could enjoy the benefit of being able to raise and teach their children as they saw fit in the state of Tennessee. All was well with their plans. They taught their children at home, took in students to give music lessons for their employment, and lived a quiet Christian lifestyle.  Such is the story that Americans have become accustomed to, and relish in the peace of mind it provides.

 Enter the U.S. government and the legal system. The Romeike’s had gone through the legal process of applying for Asylum, and had been granted their request; until the U.S. government filed an appeal to have the case retried, which WAS retried, and overturned. Currently the family is technically set to be deported back to Germany. There will be an appeal process that can postpone the deportation, but I found myself wondering just exactly what would be going through their minds now. Obviously the mental stress component of being punished for wanting to do what they feel best for their family will be overwhelming. Most of us are pulling for their success through appeal, but we do it from a distance. I have thought heavily about it, and have chosen to take a different path. You see, this case is as  much about religious freedom as it is about civil rights with regards to education. It is the religious freedom I’ve chosen to come at this from the religious freedom position.

Deus Vult was the battle cry by Pope Urban II in 1095 AD. ‘God Wills It’ was the ethos under which the Templar Knights carried out their charge according to the direction of the Church. Much has been said about the Templar Knights, and much has been misinformation. Originally the Templar Knights were charged with providing safe passage for Christians to places of safe haven, a sort of security detail to protect their travelers. The protective tasks of the Templar’s ran from 1091 until 1095. After years of that duty, their mission changed from protectors to that of a Church led warrior force to retake previously conquered lands, back from tribal Muslims that drove Christians out and into wandering towards ‘somewhere else’.

So how do the Templar’s fit into this story?  From my vantage point I see the Romeike family as one that need protection and safe passage from an oppressive overbearing governmental bureaucracy. A government that has not only turned on basic human decency and the tradition of providing safe haven for the worlds tired, poor, oppressed masses since the beginning of the nation; but they’ve turned their backs on the American citizens, and in turn this individual family.  I hold that the Romeike family is being slapped down and beaten into submission through religious persecution, which should offend all of us.  The government freely leaves our borders open for invasion from anywhere else, intentionally lack in their duties to protect our sovereignty, and smash white, God fearing, traditional American Christians in the mouth any chance they get. Now, they’ve provided a weak excuse to now turn their progressive, anti God, ideology onto a family that has done nothing offensive, taken nothing from governmental aide programs, and simply wanted to come to a free country to live in the peace that up until now has been afforded to others. (Well except the Jews. They were sent back on their boats originally). So it has become apparent to me that if you believe in God, and ask for help, you’ll be denied, thus eliminating religious freedom by dictate unconstitutionally.

It is now that I feel compelled to draw my line in the sand and stand with the Romeike’s, and not just in lip service. I believe it is now time for We out here to put our money where our mouths are, and form our modern day band of Templar Knights; our crusade, to offer protective and safe passage for this family to any underground, undisclosed location that presents itself. Preferably, I think the citizens of the State of Texas should step to the plate and offer this family sanctuary. If the government won’t grant Asylum, then I feel the Church should offer Santuary. Further, I truly believe that the great folks in Texas and their leadership, can and will see to it that the national government will heel, and be forced into their proper, obedient role.

I now call on Tenneseeans and Texans specifically to form your Romeike Templar’s. I also call on any other State citizens to volunteer as well. Reach out to those in Tennessee and Texas that are of like mind, and protect this family. Davey Crockett and Sam Houston left behind a legacy that now needs to be honored. Stand Up and be counted.

Will it take determination? Yes. Will it take men and women of honor? Yes.

And will it take the conviction of mind to follow through? Yes.

It’s time for Americans to take a stand against tyranny. Join Me.

Historical dates and timeline provided by @LoriGirlTexas twitter ,, One of the sharpest Historians in Texas.

The Jason Collins, Chris Kyle Connection

     At the end of the president's press conference on April 30, I witnessed his exit and rapid return to the podium to address a question about the new coming out of  NBA star Jason Collins. In that statement, the president said the following:

Jason Collins, Washington Wizards
 “Yeah, I'll say something about Jason Collins. I had a chance to talk to him yesterday. He seems like a terrific young man, and, you know, I told him I couldn't be prouder of him. You know, one of the extraordinary measures of progress that we've seen in this country has been the recognition that the LGBT community deserves full equality, not just partial equality, not just tolerance but a recognition that they're fully a part of the American family. And, you know, given the importance of sports in our society, for an individual who's excelled at the highest levels in one of major sports go ahead and say, this is who I am, I'm proud of it, I'm still a great competitor, I'm still seven feet tall and can bang with Shaq and, you know, deliver a hard foul -- and for, you know, a lot of young people out there who, you know, are -- are -- are, you know, gay or lesbian, who are struggling with these issues, to see a role model like that who's unafraid, I think it's a great thing. And I think America should be proud that this is just one more step in this ongoing recognition that we treat everybody fairly. And everybody's part of a -- part of a family, and we judge people on the basis of their character and their performance, and not their sexual orientation. And so I'm very proud of him. All right?”

     Now, I’m not addressing the president’s failure to successfully answer many of the other questions on topics throughout the press conference, I’ve come to expect the sidestepping, mush mouthed lying from him, but I WAS struck with his showering of praise on Collins. The president pointed out that Collins was a ‘terrific young man’, that he was proud of him, and highlighted the importance of sports in our society. He further went on to praise Collins for his achievement excellence at the highest levels of his sport, for being a role model, and that America should be proud. The president wrapped up by saying:

“Everybody’s part of a family, and we judge people on the basis of their character and their performance, and not their sexual orientation.”

     I found myself listening to a president, fawning over a sports figure, that was courageous enough to come out about his sexuality; heaping praise and accolade, and being proud of Collins’ achievements. I then found myself wondering, where were all of these same praises, accolades, and pride in Chris Kyle?

Chris Kyle, Fallen Sniper

     Who is Chris Kyle, you ask? Chris Kyle is the recently murdered former sniper. Chris is one of the greatest servicemen to fight in the war on terror. He is the most decorated sniper in U.S. history, having personally taken out at least 160 enemy combatants, (possibly more). He served for four tours, was shot and wounded twice, won two Silver Stars, Five Bronze Stars, and was was involved in six IED attacks. Iraqi combatants called Chris, “The Devil of Ramadi,” and put an $80,000 price on his head.

     Chris was actively helping a struggling fellow Marine with readjustment issues, doing what they both loved to do. Chris took him to the local shooting range for some bonding and down time. The young man turned his weapon on Chris, and shot and killed him.

     Given all of that, would it be possible that Obama was uncomfortable in honoring a man who puts the enemy in his sights and kills them directly, instead of using drones from a distance, all while inexplicably not being able to call our enemies by the name ‘terrorist’?

     The coverage of Chris Kyle’s heroism and the tragedy surrounding his death was pretty widespread, and I find it shameful that THIS president, ANY president, would glom onto patting himself and his agenda on the back, by embracing a mere basketball has been, while completely ignoring a true American Hero in Chris Kyle, his widow, and his children. 

     Obama has gone out of his way to recognize other less worthy individuals in the past, so I’m not really surprised at his juvenile, narcissistic attitude toward overlooking true heroes. Among them are: Steve Jobs, Donna Summer, Dick Clark, Richard Chavez (the brother of Cesar Chavez), John Wooden, Kam Kuwata (Obama political aide)…to name a few.

     Now like I said, The things that this president does and says do not surprise me anymore; they really don’t. I just find it sad that someone in his position as president, can totally disregard true heroes, while snuggling up to faux heroes. Even more troubling to me? Is that 51 percent of you, voted for him. THAT’s an indictment on the citizenry.

Truth, Justice, and Mike Church

Watching the Benghazi fiasco this week, I came away mentally conflicted.  From my perch behind the wheel of a water tanker truck, I tune my satellite radio into Sirius 125 (The Patriot) channel for most of my workday.  Starting my day at 3am with the morning commute, and then pulling a 12 hour shift; I have plenty of time to soak things in and dwell on them. This week was one of the most challenging weeks mentally that I can remember going through. Let me explain.

            I start the LIVE daily lineup with Mike Church, then Glenn Beck,  followed by Andrew Wilkow, supplying me with 9 hours of [r] republicanism, and libertarian conservatism; which is where my brain lives. What I was conflicted with this week was the Benghazi coverage and commentary that all 3 men covered on their respective shows.

            I need to be right up front here and applaud Mr. Church for giving me a skull crushing migraine and a burning knot at the base of my neck on Friday morning.  Beck supplied the reasoning for the truth, Wilkow was responsible for his perfectly executed political analysis; but Mike Church? He slapped me in the face with the stark truth, minus the entire analytical breakdown of whistleblower sound bites.

            Being a former member of the USAF Intel community, I had spent most of the week glued to finding the truth with regards to what happened, who dun nit, and how we correct the mistakes with the Benghazi debacle. What I failed to process, was the realization that the whole sorted mess could have been easily avoided in the first place had the decision not been made to interject ourselves into the middle of regime change in Libya in the first place.

Emanuel Cleaver
            I had been all wrapped up in ‘who lied’, ‘why were our folks in harms way hung out to dry’, ‘what will the ramifications be, and at what level of the administration’. Good questions all, but I was missing the underlying reason that it all happened in the first place. Granted, I find it troubling that the requests for added security were not provided our Consulate personnel to begin with, that forces were then ordered to stand down and not assist in defense and recovery attempts, that officials at the highest levels of our government subsequently lied to us, then lied to us again, and then lied to us some more; just to cover their bloated, flattened backsides, just for political gain instead of being concerned with what is ‘right and decent’.

            True also is the fact that during the whistleblower session it was painfully obvious what was going on was political posturing by fake, phony politicians on both sides of our same brained two party system. Democrats pointing at funding cuts by Republicans at every turn, Republicans going after discrediting Hillary, and poorly prepared whistleblowers.  The incessant ‘condolences’ to the families, and jack jaw self adulating political bluster just to puff themselves up with camera face time. It was a joke…and a circus to say the least. I came away learning nothing that I didn’t already know.

Trey Gowdy

            Does it matter? Yes. I believe that if we allow the facts in this case to drift by the wayside without getting ‘truth’ from it, all we do is enable our leaders to steep in their ineptitude, and pettifog stories of their own conflation at whim. What we currently have are leaders that can’t lead…at all levels…and in both political parties.

            We have an executive that feels free to drop bombs on people at his own preordained discretion by sidestepping congress, with no authorization, and that actually is impeachable.  We also have a congress that doesn’t hold him accountable for blatant and constant over reaches. Congress has abdicated its role out of sheer laziness and personal / political financial expediency.

            Bottom line on Benghazi is this: Four of our citizens were killed by terrorists, Help was denied both prior and during the event, our CIA was complicit with fabricating the narrative at the behest of the White House, A film maker was falsely blamed (and is still incarcerated), and there was no competent leadership at the helm. BUT, None of this would have ever happened had we not been there in the first place.

            The sole responsibility for all of this lies at the feet of the president. He went around congress to invade another country, to overthrow and kill their president.  We had no business doing that, as Nothing in Libya was threatening us in Any way whatsoever.  What were we defending by going into Libya? Nothing.  What was the threat from Libya? Less than Nothing.  Now? All we’ve created is a Sharia driven Muslim Brotherhood theocracy, just like the one we facilitated in Egypt.  As long as the president continues to arbitrarily invade and make war abroad, we can expect more and more situations like we one we encountered in Benghazi.

            I thank Mike Church for helping me to wrap my head around this topic correctly, and it was nothing a fist full of ibuprofen and another founders red pill couldn't cure.


The Gods Of The Copybook Headings

  Originally Posted: June 11, 2010

 I’m trying something different here to see how an idea pans out. Not that I’m trying to use you as guinea pigs, but it’s a departure from what I usually do. I’m going to attempt to take a classic work of art, and marry it to today’s culture; and see if I can pull it off. Classic poet and writer, Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem back in 1919 titled ‘The Gods of the Copybook Headings’. Now most of us don’t know what Copybooks were, let alone Copybook Headings; so a little history visit would be in order.

      Copybooks were used in schools back at the turn of the century, for students to practice their cursive writing in. It had two solid horizontal lines about an inch apart, and between them was a dashed line. The teacher would write a phrase or sentence at the top of the page as a guide for the student to copy repetitively down the page, over and over; until the student had that pattern engrained and mastered. That initial pre-written phrase was called a ‘heading’…hence the term Copybook Heading.

      OK, now that we’re on the same page I’d like you to read through Kipling’s poem; and afterwards will be a writing of my own in which I try to analyze and interpret his words into an analogy appropriate for today in America. His is a poem, mine will be allegorical.

The Gods of the Copybook Headings – Rudyard Kipling – 1919

As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.
We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.
We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place;
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.
With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”
On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Wages of Sin is Death.”
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four—
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.
 As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man—
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began:—
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will bum,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

Chronology of Impending Despair – by Conservatarian – 2010

 As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.

      As we grow older, no matter what our race; we’re led by society into purchasing and investing with our hard earned money. We hand over our cash to those who appear trustworthy; then lace our fingers and clasp our hands, hoping that the market won’t crash, businesses won’t fail, that we’ll still have a job. But cycles come and go, and businesses do fail. Even the most prosperous eventually fall if mismanaged. But when you stop to look around…the machine keeps running, and the system we learned from doesn’t miss a beat. It actually gets stronger as time goes on.

 We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.

     We were naïve and thirsting for knowledge; looking for someone in leadership to help guide us down the proper path. We believed (thanks to them) that we needed to lean on them because we didn’t know what lay ahead in the path, and they did; that we needed them to guide us to something better. But they let us down. They weren’t uplifting, they lacked vision, and couldn’t think outside the box; they just consumed more power. So, we turned away from them and followed along like sheep with the rest of society; working and slaving away for a someday that never seemed to come. We sent our kids off to school to be taught, because of course; teachers know best how to handle unruly, empty headed little kids. Or so we thought.

 We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place;
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.

     We go through the day to day motions, preoccupied with the task directly at hand in our jobs; finishing up and going to the bar to dust off the day and relax. But while we’re doing these things; that ‘machine’ keeps on moving, in spite of our inactivity to deal with it. They kept teaching our kids what to think, how to think…over and over and over while we were oblivious. We didn’t see the warning signs along the way. We drove and drove that capitalistic, industrial beast for all it was worth; but they had to slow us down with regulation and meddling in our business affairs. After all, there was a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, and an oil well disaster there too; so what better time to manipulate things in their favor to slow us down and exert their ever growing power? After all, they needed us to be dependent on them for direction; it’s the only way that they can maintain control.
 With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch;
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings;
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.

      Now the Stilton and Dutch reference was regarding a type of cheese made by the Dutch…but the analogy being made was that despite what they tell us, we know what’s true and what’s not. We know what needs to be done; but we don’t act. They don’t listen to us, tell us that up is down, and down is up; trying to convince us that they knew best, and we’re just too stupid to understand. They’re so out of touch it’s not even funny. So, we gave up waiting on them and took off to the local shopping malls; and spent to our hearts content. We needed something to make us feel better and buying new toys did the trick. More distractions.

 When the Cambrian measures were forming, they promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”

      The Cambrian measures was in reference to the bodies of water in Europe that separated land masses…which joined one land mass to another. But the larger picture, in context is that we’re actively being herded into a universal form of government; all encompassing, with the promise of peace and harmony. All we have to do to achieve this is to turn over our weapons and forego the 2nd amendment, by adhering to the U.N. directives set forth for all world citizens. Once they have removed the firearms from our homes, they will have complete control; and force us into this world governance against our will. We’ll be told by the ‘teachers’, the leaders, the masters; to just accept it…to ‘stick to the devil we know’, what we’ve been taught. Sit down and shut up…They know best.

On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Wages of Sin is Death.”

      Our foundations were built on truth and honor, freedom and liberty; and those things offered a better way of life. But over time our foundation, our feminian sandstones…have been chipped away at steadily, and eroded to the point where we’ve traded friendships, and bonds with our friends and neighbors. It’s been replaced with the ‘if it feels good, do it’ mentality; sleeping with our neighbors wife or husband, eliminating honor. We’ve become so debased as a culture (driven by the teacher’s and leaders), that faith in God has been cast aside, women are aborting babies; there’s no longer any value placed on human life. If we go against the grain and stand up for what is right and true, we’re maligned and marginalized as crazed bigots and hate mongers; to where we’re being prepared to be culled. The wages of sin is death~…death of common sense perhaps? …Death of a way of life? Or the destruction of a working system to be replaced by what ‘they’ have in mind.

 In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”

     Our Carboniferous Epoch, was our industrial revolution; where we grew and grew and prospered, becoming more wealthy than any other nation. ‘They’ worked diligently, finding ways to rob us of our individual wealth; to redistribute it back out to those that haven’t earned it. The propping up of the recipient class; healthcare, food stamps, welfare, social security etc., has led us to the point where our individual wealth has been decimated in favor of the collective, through social programs; creating a class of people that can’t fend for themselves, reliant solely on ‘them’ for their means of existence. And ‘they’ take it from us to achieve that goal. We’re heading down the path of Chairman Mao and the extermination not only of the human spirit; but Death, if we don’t conform to the collective mentality. If we don’t provide the labor to feed the beast, we’ll be plowed under. They’re actively printing so much money, that our currency can’t possibly withstand the pressure. The dollar ‘has’ to crash and become worthless. It won’t matter how much paper money you hold, because it won’t be able to buy anything. Will we be left to die in the fields of the collective?

 Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four—
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

      Stock market crashes, too big to fail bailouts; everyone deflecting responsibility for the causes of financial demise… Barney Frank, Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke, Chris Dodd, and the rest of the silver tongued bastards that generated the carnage; slithered away and hid from the public, while legislating, demonizing, deflecting and hoarding power to protect themselves in the process. But we started to wake up and take notice that we were deceived and distracted by sparkling, shiny objects; where two plus two actually did equal four. We’re being told that two plus two is something like thirty seven these days, and ‘they’ figure if they say it long enough and loud enough…that we’ll accept it as truth. Can you explain the ‘new math’ being taught in school? Economics? Why is capitalism not being taught anymore?

 As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man—
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began:—
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

      One thing remains constant regardless of the era we live in; Truth. Many have tried to dilute and massage the meaning of ‘truth’; but it remains the constant. There truly are only four things certain since Social Progress began: 1. Dogs do return to their vomit; and eat it. 2. Pigs wallow in filth. 3. Indoctrinated idiots will burn their hands in a fire, get bandaged up; and stick their hand right back in the fire again…because they don’t learn their lessons. They keep expecting a different result by maintaining the same path they’ve been on. It’s a complete inability to be self sufficient; requiring direction from ‘they’, to exist…because they can’t think or do for themselves.

 And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will bum,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

 Finally 4.   Once ‘they’ve’ completed their mission of collective, utopian world government, all individual wealth is confiscated and redistributed to welfare recipients (dependent on the government for their existence), the human spirit is crushed and no personal responsibility for ones own actions; Just as sure as water is wet, and fire burns, we’ll then be right where they want us…ready and compliant, accepting of the scraps that they hand down from on high. And if we refuse~ we’ll be exterminated through mass genocide…it’s been the way of every Socialized dictatorship in human history. Welcome to the Age of Obama!

      Many have come before this president, and have helped to pave the way for what we’re going through right now. It’s incumbent on us to rectify the situation, to stop the beast; to save our children. ‘They’ know that they can’t change ‘our’ minds, which is why they’ve focused so heavily on the indoctrination process in our schools. ‘They’ will achieve their goals not by coming after us, but by coming for our children.

      The ‘They’…The ‘Gods of the Copybook Headings’, are the governmental leaders; and the teachers in our schools that have been employed by the beast to make sure our kids are being taught their narrative. They’re attempting to make sure that our children will pose no threat to them…and actually join them in the effort to fundamentally transform America into a socialistic utopia; which as we know from history, only leads to misery, despair, and eventually; Death. Food for thought.

Freedom vs. Liberty (with some STANK on it)

Originally Posted: June 6, 2010 
     Recently I’ve come across individuals that are somewhat confused as to what the differences between freedom and liberty are. So, being the opinionated loudmouth that I am; I thought I’d jot this down as a helpful (yet polarizing) guide to help iron it out.

     Freedom, is what you and I each exert as individuals with regards to many facets of our lives independently. We exercise our ‘freedom’ when we choose friends, activities, goods, services, etc. Things that we enjoy in our day-to-day lives. Some examples would include say…Sexual partners amongst consenting adults, what type of car or house we purchase, what toppings go on our pizza, and so on.  Along with these freedoms come…Liberty.

     Liberty, is what separates us as individuals; in that, your exercise of freedom doesn’t impact me…and my exercise of freedom doesn’t impact you. Liberation from others actions. That’s liberty. Basically, Your freedom to be you; includes my freedom to be free ‘from’ you. You or I may exercise our freedoms as we see fit, but we have liberty from the consequences visited on each other due to those actions. OK?

     Now the polarizing part (and this country isn’t even CLOSE to being polarized enough for me). Some specific freedom and liberty pet peeves of mine come to mind, and since they’re all over the news every day…lets air them out once and for all.

PEEVE: Male homosexual sex. When male (A) decides to place his manhood where male (B) evacuates his bowels…both men are exercising their freedom to be themselves. This means that to protect my liberty, those men should retain the consequences for their actions to themselves; and not reach into my pocket to fund medical treatment or medications to treat any illness or disease that’s generated because of those actions. Correct? Now this doesn’t make me a homophobe, or an uncaring barbarian…just liberated from freedoms that aren’t exercised by me personally. If homosexuals want the freedom to participate in this activity..grrreat~have at it! But don’t come to me for assistance when you contract HIV. Fair enough?

PEEVE: Home Mortgages. When you exercise your freedom and purchase a home…I’m liberated from the responsibility of paying for your home. If you sign YOUR name on a mortgage contract; it’s your responsibility to pay for it…not mine. If you lose your job and can no longer pay for your contractual obligation; file bankruptcy and deal with the consequences of your own actions…don’t come to me for a bailout. Fair enough?

PEEVE: Childbirth (coupled with healthcare). When men and women (or boys and girls more commonly), exercise their freedom to copulate…I’m liberated from the responsibility of paying for every facet of raising that child. If I had wanted the added expense of raising a child, I would have produced one of my own (I have six by the way). If you can’t afford to birth, feed, clothe, raise, and provide medical care for a child…then don’t exercise your freedom of copulation. And if you don’t want me to verbalize my input into how your child is raised, fed, and disciplined…don’t come to me with your hand out. Fair enough? 

     There are more examples I could use, but I think I’ve covered enough for you to get the idea of where I’m coming from. I know Who I Am, Where I Stand, and Why I Stand There. I’m completely comfortable with being despised for my viewpoints, as I simply don’t care what anyone thinks about me anymore (I quit caring YEARS ago).

      As stated earlier, I don’t think this country is polarized enough for my liking. I won’t be happy until political t-shirts are worn every day, political bumper stickers are on every car…and arguments are taking place in the mall parking lots across the country. If boyfriends and girlfriends split up over it, if neighbors quit speaking to each other, if family members don’t come to Thanksgiving dinner… I DON’T CARE. It’s time to start dividing the country in to right and wrong, good and evil, patriot and enemy.

     If the progressive left in our society think that their way is best~FINE. You go your way and we on the conservative side will go our way. Let’s split the states up into progressive bastions of the recipient, touchy feely class of people…and conservative enclaves of provider, self-sufficient, free market capitalists; and we’ll see which states rise, and which states fall. Progressives despise, bemoan, castigate, and loathe conservatives…just as conservatives despise, bemoan, castigate, and loathe progressives. BUT REMEMBER…progressives need conservatives to fund the class of people they’ve created…WE don’t need them…not even a little.

     Progressives can’t exist without conservatives. WE on the conservative side~don’t need a thing from progressives! NOTHING! My earnings are not yours to have…go earn your own.

I Support Freedom of Speech, But Only If You Agree With Me

 Originally Posated: April 10, 2010

    In 1787 when the Constitution was penned by James Madison, he never felt the necessity to add the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was added due largely to the input of Thomas Jefferson. Madison didn’t see the need for the addition, because he believed that government would never grow so large and oppressive that this list of rights would actually be needed. But, he relented; and in 1789 penned the Bill of Rights; which was later ratified by congress in 1791. He had originally written 12 articles, but congress landed on the final 10 that we have today.

     Looking back at that time in history, through the lens of today’s reality; it’s amazing to see just how perceptive the Founding Fathers visions truly were. Madison, was an honorable and decent man that lacked a certain skepticism; but was a true believer. Jefferson, while just as noble and honorable; knew the evil hearts of man when left unbridled by limits. It was Jefferson’s insistence and counsel that brought about the text that we hold onto and cherish today.

     The first article (or ‘right’) that was penned, we know as the First Amendment to the Constitution. It states; “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Now at first blush, you would think that this is pretty much straight forward in theory right? But if that were the case, why would it now be getting so butchered and bastardized by individuals in power? By individuals that mean to cause the destruction of American society? Because simply put; they don’t care, and they will do anything in their power to destroy everything we’ve known to be true and real.

     Until this year I would have never believed that our basic right to speak freely might actually be in jeopardy. I’ve spoken out in opposition during prior administrations and their meddling with the constitutionality of their agendas and methods; but somehow with this current administration; all of a sudden I’m attacked and called a racist, homophobic, tea bagging, right wing extremist. If you question anything, anything whatsoever; I get shouted down and threatened with a beat down. All of a sudden ‘free speech’ means that you can speak freely; as long as you agree with me…otherwise, I’ll shout, beat, or shut you down. So, I guess that as long as I agree with the Obama agenda, methods, means, and outcomes…will my right to speak freely, truly be honored.

     OK…Now, how much of this would we put up with if the president were white? How much of this nonsense, overstepping, belittling, arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity would we tolerate if the president weren’t a half-black man? Seems to me the best thing he’s got going for him is his ethnicity; and his ability to prey on it, to use it to his advantage. I find it odd that he’s a ‘situational’ black man. When it serves his purpose (in the media or otherwise) and someone disagrees with him, all of a sudden he’s being scrutinized because he’s black. But…when he needs to win people over to ascribe to his ideology; all of a sudden you see pictures of his white mother being tossed all over the place.

     The progressive, socialist, communist left wants to silence me whenever possible, by whatever means necessary. If I go to speak at a venue and they don’t like what I have to say; I get shouted down. If I support a constitutional viewpoint (anti socialist), I get threatened. And if I express dissent from a left wing ideology, I must be a racist. So, freedom of speech is dead; unless you’re a communist? How does that work exactly?

     Our predecessors worked so hard to build the things we take for granted and overlook on a daily basis; and it’s about to slip away unless we make a choice. We now need to choose Right or Wrong…Liberty or Tyranny…Freedom or Oppression. The time has come for all good men and women to do something about it. Will you stand with…or against? The choice is yours.

     I’m maligned and vilified for my beliefs and views, not because they’re scared of me…but because of those that I may help to inspire into action. For every outspoken voice, there are possible hundreds or thousands that can be persuaded by the information; and that’s what they fear. So, speak up and be heard; your voice just may impact another.

Be it known right here, right now; I will not go quietly into the abyss of socialized communism.

To silence me ~ They will have to kill me!

Pornographc Salvation

     Originally Posted: March 10, 2010

     I stopped to ponder the current level of acrimony with regards to how our elected officials are conducting themselves, and it became apparent that the vast majority are nothing more than sock puppets looking out solely for themselves. Based on rational thought and clarity, I dissected these buffoons and came to the realization that their conduct is nothing more than a self serving, self important, egotistical pomposity. You may ask what I’m talking about; and it’s this: These people spend the majority of their time patting themselves on the back, lobbying for the nearest microphone, stuffing their election war chests, and ‘saying’ things that they think the people want to hear. They no longer have any conviction, honor, integrity, valor, or wisdom. They legislate based on the mental capacity of their base voting block, and pander to the fringes; irrespective of where they stand personally on an issue. It’s all in an effort to harness power and cash, to the demise of the actual voting populace; elevating themselves to the status of ‘Lords’.

     Back room deals, power brokering, lavish fundraisers (funded by special interests), and unethical gaming are all now commonplace with these individuals; and they have no concern for what their constituents actually have to say about anything. They seem to think that they simply know better than we do, and we’re just too stupid to understand that they’re saving us from ourselves. They’ve become so ‘drunk’ with power and influence that they actually believe that they’re invincible; it’s a veritable sadomasochistic political orgy. ‘God Complex’ doesn’t begin to frame the problem, but it’s a start.

     I don’t care if they’re left or right, republican or democrat, black or white, gay or straight; they all SUCK! What we’ve got right now, in this place and time; is an unbridled obscenity of spending, and governmental control of nearly every facet of our lives. And they charge us through exorbitant taxation to fund these oppressive programs that they claim the people want and need. The only people that want these programs are those that can’t (or won’t) provide and do for themselves. Excessive taxation of the persons contributing the funds simply doesn’t work; and it never has. All excessive taxation does is to lower the effort level of the contributor; because they no longer see any inherent value in succeeding only to see the fruits of their labor confiscated and given to undeserving, worthless individuals that won’t put down the crack pipe long enough to even say Thank You. Thank You, provider. Thank You, contributor. Thank You, person that gives me free stuff. NO! It’s not Thank You…It’s ‘F’ You, you owe me. And these politicians are guilty of sodomizing us against our will. No kiss on the neck, no pillow talk, no gentle caressing; just bend us over the countertop, and ram it home. Somehow we are to accept our role as providing for those that won’t help themselves out of their own plight. And our beloved political class (left and right) go out of their way to enable and elevate the recipient class, while castigating the provider class; and I’m sick of it.

     We’re not having this ‘Healthcare Bill’ shoved down our throats; we’re having it rammed up some other body orifice (a little further south). We have the liberal democrats devising and manipulating a healthcare bill that less than 20% of the public wants. Coupled with that, it’s a bill that overtakes 1/6th of the economy in the process. On the other side we have progressive republicans that want to ‘negotiate’ for a resolution, under the guise of being more in line with ‘the people’. What they’re all failing to appreciate and comprehend is that any governmental interjection is unconstitutional…but they simply don’t care. They think that they know better than the founders, and that they’re more enlightened and compassionate intellectually. I’ve got news for you…when you take a bad idea, and try to marry it to a good idea; you end up with a mediocre hodgepodge of SUCK! A bad idea…that sucks a little less. A compromised ‘agreement’ is worse than dishonest; it’s an attempt to ‘fool’ the public (supposedly for it’s own good), but essentially it’s merely a power grab to maintain their elected seat. It’s unconstitutional in its scope, it falls outside the 18 enumerated powers granted to the federal government, they’re rewriting the Constitution with every ‘illegal’ bill that’s passed; and they don’t care. They get away with it because the majority of the citizenry isn’t educated in all things Constitutional, and they love the handouts that these legislators promise. It’s sort of like the lords of medieval times tossing the masses bits of bread and meat from on high. If they’re able to keep the populace hungry enough, the masses will flock to the hand that feeds them; and be grateful for the little that they do receive from the elitist class.

     Thus far I’ve been called an extremist, racist, homophobe, zealot, ideologue, and white elitist. And it amazes me that simply being an originalist when it comes to the Constitution, deems me out of step with the commonplace perceived logic of the day. If I support the abolishment of the Medicare/Medicaid system, the exertion of states rights over the federal government, elimination of the Social Security Administration and the Federal Reserve; I’m immediately called a fascist. Every one of these programs were pitched and touted in their inception as necessary organizations, but under false pretenses. But now that the overwhelming majority of people in the country are accustomed and used-to the existence of these institutions (and the perverse, mal-administered way they’ve been employed), so they blindly follow perceived norms of societal acceptance; no matter the oppression generated by doing so. This has to stop…and if I’m derided for speaking out against what’s going on and the individuals that enable it…then so be it. I’m tired of apologizing for my stance on the issues, for feeling bad for having that position, and I’ve finally embraced the position of simply not caring for the plight of the supposed poor and oppressed. If you’re thirsty, get off your arse and out of the desert; and go find water. If you’re hungry, go and offer yourself up to trade labor for something to eat. And if you can’t afford to feed your children, then either quit having sex and creating mouths you can’t feed; or use some form of viable birth control, because I’m tired of feeding your kids out of my wallet. You created your problems; You go and figure a way out of it on your own…it’s not my responsibility, it’s yours. If you come to me for help, I will require something in return for the assistance. If you don’t want to be asked for something in return; don’t ask for my help.

     For far too long I’ve remained silent, generally docile and un-confrontational; but that time has passed. I now know Who I Am…Where I Stand…And Why I Stand There. The Pornographic spending spree, for the Salvation of mankind…ends at my doorstep. I only hope that by writing this, that I can help to enable others to focus on themselves and their households…and learn to say ‘NO’ to the governmental confiscation of their individual wealth, to redistribute it to others that you have no interest in supporting. If I’ve offended you…Good; it’s about time somebody did. Now go take care of yourself…I’m Done.

Inconvenient Truths and the Word Police

    Originally Posted: February 6, 2010

 I got to thinking the other day about how political correctness has gone to extremes to pit different segments of society against one another. Mainly, what’s happened is that a system has been set up where two equal parties are split into two categories; victims and offenders. In some cases a person may be offended because someone has truly said something offensive, with the intent to injure; that’s true victimization. But what’s been happening more often lately is the “Injury by default” mentality, where a person gets upset and offended by something; simply because they can. Being injured by cause, and being injured out of convenience are completely different scenarios entirely.

     Now lets run this out to it’s logical conclusion. Let’s say I’m a pharmaceutical manufacturer and I’ve developed the cure for something incurable; lets pick AIDS. Now I’ve painstakingly poured hours, months and years into developing  just the right combination of ingredients and chemicals, put my knowledge to work for the betterment of man, and put on the market a pill that will cure AIDS. Great! Everybody wants it, I’ve priced it at a rate that’s affordable to most, make it available to doctors and patients, and all is looking up. All of the media outlets are clamoring to have me on the air to praise my efforts, and world leaders invite me to come speak at various gatherings. Fantastic.

     But there’s a problem. I’m getting hate mail and protesters are outside my door; because of the name I chose for the drug. I had initially landed on three possible choices for the name (Fagocil, Homicin, and Queerox); I chose Fagocil, and now I’m being protested by irate homosexual men, congress is being lobbied by NAMBLA, and the ACLU is threatening a lawsuit if I don’t change the name. What was once fawning media in the beginning has now turned into vitriolic OpEd pieces, crucifying me as a homophobic, sexist, bigot. What to do, what to do.

     So what should I do? Should I change the name? Would the drug work any differently? Would it be any more or less effective with a different name? Should I hold my ground with my intellectual property rights? I mean after all, no one else has the knowledge to create this drug. Who does the government think they are that they can come to me and try to impose it’s will with regards to my business anyway? What if I simply stopped making the drug? Would people intentionally deny themselves a cure because they’re offended by the simple ‘name’ of the product available to save their lives? Chew on that for a little bit while I move on.

     Say I owned a business; a bakery. A niche bakery that catered to Conservative Americans. Our creations had patriotic slogans on the icing, American flags, pictures of the founding fathers, etc. Business is booming and  I need to hire more help to keep up with demand. I place an ad in the local newspaper, and start setting up interviews. I end up hiring a young woman and a young man based on their specific skills and capabilities, as they’ll be able to hit the ground running, and keep up with the demand. We’ve agreed on a per hour wage, gone over the duties and all is well. Now, at the end of the first week the woman comes to me and informs me that she’s somewhat offended by the slogans on our ‘victory’ cake, because it has a rebel flag on it and her ancestors were black; so she views the design as racially charged and in fact ‘racist’. We go round and round on the issue, and she ends up quitting because she finds it too ‘offensive’ to work in that environment. Later that month I get a notice in the mail that I’m being sued for harassment in a ‘hostile’ work environment. I either need to change my best selling cake design, or face legal action. So what should be done?

     This is another example of ‘convenient victimization’, she knew what the designs and conditions were before she accepted the employment offered, prior to accepting the job; but once hired, developed a ‘problem’. There’s no doubt that people can make crude, hurtful remarks intentionally; and that’s wrong, and should be dealt with on a situational basis. But, if someone is simply being a goof and not intending any malice; it should be left alone. It’s time to grow up and put your righteous indignation back on the shelf; and set about getting things done instead of finding a scapegoat for your self imposed inferiority.